Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Art of Failure (Part Deux)

I know I've already written on this but today was the second (and final) day of the "Art of Failure" class and we had a few really interesting people come in and give us some words of wisdom on business (with a nod to personal) failure.  Although I thought all of it was fascinating stuff, I especially liked what Kamran Elahlain, the 1991 inventor of the IPad's predecessor (Memoranda)... which failed miserably... only to explode with popularity in late 2010, almost 10 years later.

Below is a snap shot of what he had to say although, I must confess, it isn't word-for-word as I simply can't write that fast:

"If you want to do something meaningful, you must understand from day 1 that its going to be extremely difficult. And you will fail on a daily basis. There will also be successes.... but understand that doing something meaningful means taking risks and failure is a part of risk.

Success is simply management of failure.

Whenever you fail, go ahead and cry. Get it out of your system. But remember: you are not a failure even if you failed. Why? Because you had the guts to go out and pursue your dream. There is no failure in that.

And when you succeed, celebrate quickly.... because, in a moment, something bad will happen. But don't worry, each failed attempt makes you stronger."

With that, just thought I'd say, tomorrow marks one week until my departure for Nigeria... Here's hoping that, in the last 2 weeks, if nothing else, I've gained at least some idea of how to manage failure.

Sabon Guida, Konni, Niger

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